RAC Engineering has implemented the BIM system in all processes of budgeting, planning, site and construction management of the works developed by the company. Building Information Modeling (BIM) brings much more efficiency to the alignment processes in construction projects, merging all parts involved in the planning process and providing in-depth information about every detail of the project. BIM technology is a true breakthrough in the segment.
RAC Engineering is unique due to the application and association of technology and innovation with the usage of absolutely sustainable natural resources. The company headquarters generates all its energy consumption with solar panels, and also collects, treats and reuses its sewage and pluvial waters, making it the first water and energy self-sustainable building in Brazil. That is the reason the company was awarded several certifications of sustainability, among which the highest ranked recognition in Latin America (Platinum Level), LEED seal. Also, the San Gobain Prize for Sustainable Architecture in the Confort Category.
R. Erasto Gaertner, 819
82515-000, Bacaheri
Curitiba, Paraná